EMERGE with Me!
After a few months of looking inward, focusing on family, working on projects in the home, and creating my Immunity Gardens, I am ready to emerge from the cocoon that I so happily created around myself. Just as anxiety plagued folks when they were forced to stay home or change habits because of COVID-19, anxiety can also accompany re-entering the world, albeit with a mask and social distancing.
I have created a challenge called “EMERGE” to help myself and others create a structure and action steps for emerging from our hunkering down period.
I will be revealing challenges or assignments every few days, and I hope that you will find them engaging and helpful. Some of us thrive with accountability and “gold stars.”
For Accountability & Gold Stars
Print the checklist and color in the gray boxes and write how you’ve completed the challenge .
Post your progress (e.g. before/after) or your checklist on Insta or FB with hashtags such as #emergefromcocoon or #changehappens. Feel free to tag me!
Text me (205-427-4549) with a pic or a description of your progress!
Assignment #1
We are ENTERING summer, the season of light and bright colors. Summer Solstice gives us hope for the future!
HOME - What can you do to make the entrance to your home more appealing? Clean, brighten, sweep, organize, hang a picture or mirror. Change a lightbulb. Check the front porch. Does it need flowers or a new doormat? Wipe down the outside of the front door.
SOCIAL MEDIA - As people enter onto your FB, Insta, or LinkedIn, what do they see? Change the picture to be a fresher, more vibrant you!
CAR - As you enter your car, what do your senses tell you? Do you need a clean-out? Does it need a better smell - try a bar of soap in your side pocket for a fresh scent that isn't overpowering - or a dryer sheet. Fill your car with gas; get your oil changed and your windshield wiper fluid filled if needed. We are entering a new season, and it's time to get ready.
Assignment #2
M is for MAKE
Fill in the blank after the word MAKE in order to customize the next day or two with what you need or want to do to make life better for yourself.
Here are some ideas:
Make an appointment (e.g. hair, checkup, colonoscopy, mammogram, nails, massage, attorney, financial advisor, or with me!)
Make a payment or donation ( to a cause, to your alma mater, to your place of worship, credit card, mortgage or rent, to the housekeeper who hasn’t worked, to your own savings account, to your IRA, to your kids’ college fund).
Make a mess (cook, garden, paint).
Make love (no description provided on this one!).
Make the world a better or more beautiful place (Read/Watch Miss Rumphius and how she planted lupines.)
Make an order to make life easier (Imperfect Foods or Hello Fresh - special deals with these links.)
Make a decision (an especially good one for those of us who are prone to procrastinate.)
Make the announcement - that thing you’ve been nervous about sharing with friends and family.
You have so many choices! If you want more ideas, Google “make” or “make your” or “make a” and see what pops up!
I can’t wait to see how you finish this - Make _____ .
Time to get started!